Leetcode: Single Number (Kotlin)
December 28, 2024
Leetcode: Single Number (Kotlin)
Single Number is an easy question on Leetcode. I will discuss the problem and my solution below. Single Number - LeetCode
Problem Statement
The solution I thought of is pretty straightforward.
They give us an array of integers, so we can use a map that will store each number as the key and the count of that number as the value.
We iterate through the array to set each number’s count in the map.
We will then iterate through the array again, but this time we will check each number’s count in the map and return the number with the count of one
They guarantee a number with a count of one is in the given array, so you could technically return any number at the end because it should never get to that point. I use Int.MIN_VALUE.
class Solution {
fun singleNumber(nums: IntArray): Int {
val map = mutableMapOf<Int, Int>()
for(num in nums){
map[num] = map.getOrDefault(num, 0) + 1
for(num in nums){
if(it == 1) return num
return Int.MIN_VALUE