Leetcode: Group Anagrams (Kotlin)
Leetcode: Group Anagrams (Kotlin)
This problem is a medium string and array problem on Leetcode. I will walk through an approach to solving this problem. Group Anagrams - LeetCode
Problem Statement
Understanding the Problem
First, you should understand what an anagram is. An anagram is a word you can form by rearranging the letters of another word. They give you a list of words and want you to return a list of lists. The inner list will be the group of lists.
My first approach was to use a map to keep a count of each character for each word. I was thinking about using a map of maps or a list of maps. Thinking about how to structure this brought me to my second approach.
Sort each word and use that as a key in the map. Have a list of indexes or a list of each word.
I decided to go with the list of words since the list of indexes required a little more work on grouping and adding the words to the group list.
Also, since I could return the list of groups in any order, I could just turn the map into a list and return that.
Instead of the split function, we could have also used toCharArray(). We must turn the string into a character array to sort them. We can then use joinToString() to turn the array back into a string. We could have done this by passing the char array to the String constructor.
class Solution {
fun groupAnagrams(strs: Array<String>): List<List<String>> {
val map = mutableMapOf<String, MutableList<String>>()
for(word in strs){
val sortedWord = word.split("").sorted().joinToString("")
if(!map.containsKey(sortedWord)) map[sortedWord] = mutableListOf()
return map.values.toList()