Installing Angular 2025
Installing Angular 2025
Angular Set Up Tutorial
This tutorial focuses on creating a basic Angular web app.
Install Visual Studio Code(Optional)
We need the terminal or command prompt to create our react app. To make it easier, we can install Visual Studio Code, since it comes prebuilt with one. You can download it using the link below. Visual Studio Code — Code Editing. Redefined
To open the terminal with Visual Studio Code, go to the terminal menu, and click “New Terminal”.
Install Node.js
If you don’t have Node.js on your machine, you will need to go to this link, download the installer for your system, and run the installer. Download | Node.js
Install Angular CLI
Now we need to install Angular command line tools. So open your terminal or command prompt type:
npm install -g @angular/cli
And press enter to run this.
Create Angular Starter App & Workspace
Now we can create the app using any name we want. I’m choosing social-media as the name for my app.
ng new social-media
Run your Angular app
Now that the building of the app has finished we need to go to the folder to run it. The name of the folder is the name you gave your app. Type:
cd social-media
Press enter. You are now in the folder/directory for your app. To run the app type this:
ng serve --open
Press Enter.
Your app should open up in your default browser soon.
Now the app should open automatically in your browser. If not go to this address in your browser:
Congratulations! You have created your first Angular app!
Here is the link to the documentation of Angular as well. Angular